Phoenix or not?

Hillbilly Hen

13 Years
Apr 11, 2009
Newaygo Michigan
My BIL gave us this rooster and his hen. He told us they were Phoenix but yesterday I was looking in a poultry book and this does not look like what the book showed a Phoenix to look like. The hen lays a small almost white egg. Both the hen and rooster are small, almost bantam size.

I don't know what a phoenix is supposed to look like but the hen is colored exactly like my black breasted red OEG. So I would say that is their color at least. Sorry I can't be more helpful!

Someone more knowledgeable will be along soon I'm sure.
They are Phoenix.No best but Phoenix.Old English Game have white legs and deferent shapeand red earlobes
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An OEG is an Old English Game. Phoenix hens especially look like OEG and roosters look like bbred OEG except you don't dub their combs off. It does look like a phoenix roo with the long hackle feathers but the best way to tell for sure is the tail. Phoenix have longer tails than your average roo though most of the time they get broke off, especially if they free range. Sorry I wasn't more helpful, that's all I know for sure. All my phoenix are still babies.
They both most certainly appear to bbr phoenix. The hen's color is technically called light brown. The blue slate legs are the deciding factor as to why they are not oeg's.
for more pics of phoenix and longtails visit our web site at

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