Phoenix Pens & Care???


7 Years
Mar 30, 2012
London, Texas
Hello Every1,

I order sum Phoenix eggs from a Wonderful BYC member "Amanda"

Was wonderin what is the "average" hatch rate in a incubator that y'all may have from "shipped eggs"?
My daughter wants to show "long tails"....

So we r startin with Silver Phoenix...but she wants the Yoko's too

Told that will b later (mayb next month)

What is the BEST way to take care of their tail feathers?

Goin to build a Large Coup for them in the barn, to keep them seperated from my other breeds.
Can U keep Roo's together?...r seperated?

How long of a run should a pair have?
should I use dirt, sand, pine chips, hay r rubber mats for ground cover?

How much space do they need for their tails?
How do u transport them to & from shows?

Yes...I have Alot of questions!!
Yes...I have read alot too....& got many answers
but would like to get more info from VARIES sources!
As far as incubating you'll have different success with different incubators. We have a brinsea and we get 80 to 90% hatch most times.

As far as feathers keep roosters separate, and big enough pens so they wont rub there tail feathers on wire.

Since you are worried about tails transport them in plastice totes with holes drilled in for ventilation, that way they wont pace against wire and break feathers off.
Before show you will need to bathe them aswell.
Dunk all but their heads in
dawn dish detergent original formula and water in one bucket
then in vinegar and water
then a rinse in just water

This makes them shiny, and clean, kill mites and lice too (vinegar naturally rids them of it)

Id suggest rubber mats and wood shavings for inside, and if you get really serious for feather quality you'll want to keep them on clean dry pasture, not a mud lot, so they wont stain

If you arent showing the roosters they can be together as long as they dont kill each other,
I had 40 living together at one time and after ignitial scuffles they lived happily together.

If you have any more questions just message me, The first year of 4h and stuff can be a little confusing if you havent done it before.
Good Luck

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