Phoenix Thread

We have used the collar on other boy's. never been a problem. Or there is the alternative..
Would that entail a headless chicken

Yes, we hand raised him.. So he is staying here for a long time.. Our neighbors were all out today. I asked if the noise bothered them. All said no, and because we are in the middle of the city, the farm animal sounds are welcomed..
. Our other roosters were much louder, or to agressive..
Hmm we have a dog next door that always is barking when it's out so maybe we can form an animal choir LOL idk of our neighbors would enjoy farm animal noises but you did say Phoenix crows are less loud and annoying than other breeds ?
I'm getting 10 golden phoenix chicks from efowl and was wondering if anyone had any tips or tricks about raising them
Ok I would like to know what you guys can tell me about the McMurry silver phoenix. private message me or tell on thread . Take note thi would be first phoenix rooster if I add to my order

my 5 month old phoenix cockerel...also have some girls for him ...2 golden and 2 silver...cant wait!..absolutely love these birds
I am currently incubating blue/golden phoenix eggs and am in contact with someone who is selling silver laced phoenix. I'm wondering if anyone knows or can tell me how I can you get an idea as to weather a silver laced chic is male or female? The seller of the silver laced is selling them as straight run and I'd like to be able to get an idea as to what I can look for since I prefer more hens and just 1 rooster.

Is there a unique breed that would result if the blue/gold mated with the silver laced phoenix? Would they be entered in a show as a backyard flock if crossed or are they still considered pure bred phoenix even though they would be a mix of blue/gold/silver phoenix?


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