Piano Players?

Both of my kids started playing piano this year, we just had their winter recital yesterday. They love it and it is such a great activity for them to be involved with. Soooo much better than video games and tv! We are so happy to have this available for them.
I play classical piano, as well as many other bluegrass instruments.

I'm 14 and have been taking lessons for about 7 years. Piano is my favorite instrument ever!!!
I used to play classical, but my house is too humid in summer to keep my piano here, so my dad is selling it for me. I have a Sohmer, model 34E in cherry wood from the 70's, gorgeous console, nice tone. Wish I could keep it here.
I play piano, NOT classical
I used to take drum lessons, but, of course, not anymore.
i play piano! ive been playing on and off throughout my life, but more recently i have been on it every day! I love playing Enya, and other relaxing stuff. My mum is trying to play Harry potter's theme tune ATM
we also recently perchased a piano. its a Kawai (sp?) and its the same age as me!

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