Pickeled eggs

OOhh, uh..I just kinda throw stuff in till it tastes right..
I'm real bad about that..I even do it when making bread.

Lessee..vinegar, water, sugar, mustard seed, anise seed, celery seed, allspice seed, crushed red pepper flakes, a couple small bay leaves..
Its a somewhat sweet pickle..Not like sourkraut..

I never add salt..(tho I have thought about trying to ferment cabbage someday)

Hope that helps
Somebody asked if the liquid can be reused. I am on the third batch of eggs in the same liquid, though Im using a different recipe than the one posted. I also wanted to add that these pickled eggs that Im making right now with vinegar arent nearly as good as the ones I made with the liquid from a jar of pepperoncinis. Man, those were some good eggs!
All I do is put half pickle juice and half pepperocini juice and boled eggs. You can keep them quite a while but mine don't seem to stay around for long. I try to keep them in there for 3 days before we start eating them.

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