Pickled & Tickled


11 Years
May 8, 2008
Central Pennsylvania
Some days it doesn't take much to make me happy... today I made pickled eggs & beets with my own eggs and beets that I canned from my garden. I am thrilled!
This is the first year I grew beets...I have no idea why I never did them before. I pickled them when I canned them and then added some more vinegar and sugar to them today and they are AWESOME!

Jackie (who is easily amused today)
We would probably just get in trouble. l:gigol
I have 6 big stupid English Setters you might ask us to leave quickly.

Virginia sounds pretty good right now since the high here for the last week has been about 34 degrees.
The older I get the less i like winter.
You are killing me! It's finally warmed up to 26 degrees here!
I am going to bake some bread just for the warmth!!!

I SHOULD be making pie crust and cleaning my house for Thanksgiving instead of sitting here wasting time.
My hubby is out of town so I am without supervision...never a good thing.
I love beets, and pickled beet are good too! I'm the only one that will eat either one!!!
I love when I make something homemade with my home grown/raised food!!!!

My DH aunt and her family live near Richmond Va! They hate coming home in the winter to visit!!
I wish we had your weather Miss Priss, it is 30 here and snowing! It was cold doing the chores tonight

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