Pictorial Tribute to My Older Girls (Sorry DialUps!)


Intentional Solitude
Premium Feather Member
17 Years
Feb 3, 2007
Blue Ridge Mtns. of North Georgia
I don't take lots of pics of my older girls, the original girls, much anymore. They are 2 yrs old and consist of 2 Buff Orps, 3 RIRs and 3 Silver Laced Wyandottes, one with a single comb, plus the BR girls, Lexie and Ivy, who are a couple months younger. Many of them are coming out of their molt, some are still in it (poor naked Lexie!) and some are coated with that tenacious Georgia red clay dirt in their white feathers. After my 10 originals, I have the three Poufy-Head Sisters, Meg the RIR/Buff Orp cross and two younger Barred Rock girls, Becca and Amanda, who are about to turn a year old on February 1. These comprise my wonderful laying flock.
I love my girls! They are the best, full of personality, each unique and every one a fantastic layer, even goofy defective RIR Rosemary. I still have all of the ones I started with, raised from a couple of days old, a miracle considering this predator-dense area. So, here are the girls today, old and younger, too. Excuse the red dirt and poor plucked Hawkeye-Olivia thinks his saddle area is her personal buffet so he looks quite bedraggled.














aww I love sweet meg, she is such a camera hog. do you know if that breeder still has the orps and rirs together? If so I might just have to get me some eggs.
Corey, she doesn't have them that way anymore for hatching eggs or I'd probably get some. Meg is a trip! She just glows in the sun with that golden red color and DH loves her so much, he wanted more of her.
Thanks, Cheryl. Sometimes I feel like I slight my older girls by concentrating the pics on the younger ones, but my older girls are the ones that taught me most everything I know. And my beautiful Sunny gave me my first broody hen experience. I'd love 50 more just like her! They're very special girls, every one of them.
Yep, they do wait for us to come outside sometimes or to come back if we go off into the woods. If my husband lays in the hammock, they all gather underneath it and a couple will jump up there with him. Here's a pic from the summer of just that:
Dial up schmile up! It was worth the wait and I just told me son to get busy on the coop out back! Your gals are gorgeous, I can hardly wait to show my students when school starts back up.

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