Pictures of MPC Super Blue Egg Layer (SBEL) Eggs


7 Years
Sep 26, 2015
Portland OR
Join in and post pictures of your Super Blue Egg Layer's eggs!

I got my first one today from our pullet Lucy who built her own nest outside of the nesting boxes and proceeded to lay her first egg at 19 weeks and 4 days.

Here's the egg all by itself on a white paper towel.

On the left is a green egg from our Easter Egger, on the right is the blue egg from Lucy:

The top egg is the green EE. Bottom row is a GLW on the left, Lucy's blue egg in the middle, and a Barred Rock egg on the right.

I like the photos as well.
Update: Pictures of both our SBEL pullet's eggs

The second pullet laid her first egg this morning, and the other laid her second egg.
Both were 1.4oz, 2" long, and 4 5/8" around.
All pictures on white paper towels:

Yesterday's blue egg is the one on the right. The brown eggs are from the GLW.

Same as above, but with 2 of the EE's green eggs for color comparison.

Here's just the SBEL and EE's -- yesterday's egg is far right.
Today's seem to have a little better color.

Beautiful! You must be as excited as I am about getting eggs.

Can't wait to see if any of my EE lay colored eggs. 1 out of already turned out to be a cockerel.

Here's a way-unexpected update.

Lucy, the SBEL pullet who weighs about 2.5lbs-- who just laid her first egg 8/19/16, less than a week ago- this morning popped out an egg weighing 2.2 oz (weighed on a licensed scale just re-certified by the state... I get to pay $39/year to use this scale for selling produce) !! She is 20 weeks and 2 days. I'm pretty impressed!

Top egg is the EE who lays that really light pink- that egg is also 2.2oz- right and left of Lucy's egg (center) -- are the same green EE eggs used in the other photos, and on the bottom is a darker brown Australorp egg, also 2.2oz.

It would surprise me if it isn't a double yolker. Those are very pretty. Definitely impressive when a young pullet pops eggs out like that.

Most of my first eggs from my Barred Rock were around 36 grams. After 1 month we are at 42, 46, & 50 grams normally. Think my biggest so far from these girls who are 20-22 ish weeks was 66 grams and double yolks inside.
It would surprise me if it isn't a double yolker. Those are very pretty. Definitely impressive when a young pullet pops eggs out like that.

Most of my first eggs from my Barred Rock were around 36 grams. After 1 month we are at 42, 46, & 50 grams normally. Think my biggest so far from these girls who are 20-22 ish weeks was 66
grams and double yolks inside.

That's about on par with what we've seen -- the soonest I saw a true large egg was at least 30 days into laying on one Black Australorp- everyone else took at least 60, and more normally 90 days to consistently produce anything close! Haven't opened this mondo pullet egg, but I bet you're right about double yolk- after I use it I'll letcha know what I found.

It was kinda like, how did that fit in there??


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