Pictures of MPC Super Blue Egg Layer (SBEL) Eggs

One of my two SBEL's just started laying!
VERY pretty! Congratulations! I hope the other gives you one just as pretty as that one!
So when they say Super Blue Egg Layer they mean a super nice chicken that lays a blue egg. Not a chicken that lays a really saturated blue, blue egg.

Their description now reads "blue tint". Our first two came from the first SBELs MPC was selling. They were very leghorn-esque - one of mine died last year but the other is still going strong and laying at age 3. In terms of production, very consistent, just not very blue ...

Just ordered 3 more SBELS that arrived as day-olds yesterday- these are much, much more Easter Egger/Ameraucana with sweet puffy cheeks. Obviously there's a ways to go before I get eggs from their most recent line, so I'll be very interested to see what we get.

I've got daughters, granddaughters and great granddaughters from those original SBELs who are a big improvement in egg color -- but I got lucky that the SBEL roo they sent was pretty much an Ameraucana, though we lost him at a very young age- fortunately he left a very nice son from one of my EEs.

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