Pictures Of Your Little Ducklings!!

these are my indian runner babies at 24 hours old...they're 3 days old now. we had 8 all hatch on monday
and some of them have decided they prefer to sleep on TOP of the heat pad lol!
Haha I've got to try that diaper idea avianego! Today I took a stroll in the park and found a pekin duck, a Rouen, two manky mallards, and to my surprise, a Saxony drake!lol

To Mandymoo: they are so cute!I hope you enjoy them! Runners are very entertaining :) there is a pair at my local park. They are very interesting!
@waterfowlman01 they are calls! That is the only breed I have "right now "
. I want so many that I have to stop myself or my family would disown me LOL

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