Pictures Of Your Little Ducklings!!

My Lola, rouen. And Dexter, who I originally thought was pekin, but now I'm having some doubts...his big boy feathers that are coming in look like he could be a buff.




Above photos taken on March 4th.

Picture taken March 15th +/- a day or so.

The last two pictures were taken this evening (April 8, 2014). They sure grow up fast and know how to make a real mess. With luck, the new outside coop will be finished in another day or two - a blessed relief for them and us.

Sorry the March 4th picture of our little Khaki was bounced.
Here he is or was in all his glory.

Above photos taken on March 4th.

Picture taken March 15th +/- a day or so.

The last two pictures were taken this evening (April 8, 2014). They sure grow up fast and know how to make a real mess. With luck, the new outside coop will be finished in another day or two - a blessed relief for them and us.

Hello and welcome to BYC
It is amazing how fast they grow!

2 weeks old just a little more than a month old they grew up so fast

So we got 3 more

I never new havind ducks was so much fun I find myself in the back yard a lot more just to watch them

2 weeks old just a little more than a month old they grew up so fast

So we got 3 more

I never new having ducks was so much fun I find myself in the back yard a lot more just to watch them

Beautiful Blue and Black Swedish ducks!

We received a Blue Swedish drake in with our "hatchery choice" package last fall and I love him SO much, I bought FIVE more!
He's a big boy now! (Sorry, no pics of him yet...)

But, here's a pic of the new babies:

Boy, I love those Black Swedish!
And I think one is crested!

Also, some Snowy Mallards and a KC:

One of the Mallards is coming in pure white, the other a reddish white! Can't wait till they are all feathered out

Cute new duckies you have there, too! What kind are they? Mallards?

Idas Chickens
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