Pine needles?

Justanother Brooke

8 Years
Jan 29, 2011
Goldendale, WA
Two of my girls are just starting to lay. So far, they have completely shunned the nest boxes, preferring to either lay on the clean shavings on the poop board, once in the shavings on the floor of the coop, or in the most popular option, the nest of pine needles that one of the cockerels made for them under the log splitter. I don't currently have any hay, no need for it around my place really, and am wondering if I gathered pine needles to add on top of the shavings in the nestboxes if they may like that. Has anyone used pine needles like that? We have about a billion and a half of them around, ha ha!
Wow, I never thought of that. I would go for it. Some people even put mud in their nest boxes. That's a great idea.

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