pine shavings, where do you get the best deals?


12 Years
Mar 17, 2011
Small Town, Virginia
I will be using pine shaving and/or straw in our coop and was wondering where is the best place to get the best deal on pine shavings. I don't have a lot of storage space (was hoping to have some in the coop, but will cost a bit more) so I need to find the best prices.

Right now for the brooder I am just getting the large bags of pine shavings at Wal-Mart in the pet center, like $6.00 a bag.
I get the big bag, about 1'x1.75'x2', at the feed store for ~$6; it contains 3.5 cu. ft. compressed, 9.5 cu ft loose. None of the listings on Amazon come close to that price. I didn't click the link in the previous post because it does not go to Amazon and I worry about unsafe websites. That may be an overkill of caution, but my other computer is unusable because of a worm so I'm extra cautious.

If you have a truck, you may be able to get a load at a sawmill for a very good price, or they might let you fill some garbage bags for free.

In the summer I mow with a bagger and dump the grass clippings in the coop. They dry out in a couple of days and the chickens really enjoy picking through them, eating the grass and any bugs they find. I tried adding leaves this fall; I chopped and bagged them with the mower. Even mixed with shavings, they tended to clump and retain water, which would hide underneath and not dry. They might work with chickens and turkeys but not a good choice with water fowl!
I bought one of those, then found that my local feed store had bags of pine shavings more than twice the size for $5.50.
You should try tractor supply or an Agway. I payed $4.99 for a bag of fine shaving at tractor supply. Also check to farm products in your local newspaper
in classified section some times you can pick up some bags there cheap. I also have a wood working person in my area I can get for free
I bag and pick up he is always willing to get rid of some. I to do not have a lot of space so I pick as I need.
Get a group of friends who need it too-place a large order at your local farm store and ask for a large volume discount-so maybe you can get 10-15% off on 30-40 bags?? My locallly owned feed store gives me a 10% discount if I buy 10 or more bags of feed or bedding!! Im going to ask if I can get a larger discount if I buy like 20 bags of each! When I paid for feed this week it went up ANOTHER 2$ a bag!!
I did click on the link and it did go to Amazon, but that seems like an awfully small bag compared to what I am getting at Wal-Mart now. What I am getting now is 2.0 cubic feet and expands to 4.0 cubic feet. So what you are getting sounds like a better deal. Is your feed store just locally owned or franchise?? We have a family owned store, but I don't know if they have pine shavings, I will have to ask the next time I go to get feed.

The only 2 sawmills we had in the area closed about 3 yrs ago, so that is a bust. Would be much better though.
I bought one of those, then found that my local feed store had bags of pine shavings more than twice the size for $5.50.

What store? Was it like TSC or Southern States? That is all we have around here except for a family owned feed store, but I don't know if they sell pine shavings.

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