Pinkeye, state your experiences please!

I am not certain how this will work on a case this far along, but as soon as I see runny eyes or an discharge I take a couple of capsules of Echinecca and Goldenseal ( it comes together) and empty them into a cupful of warm water. Then I squirt this in the eye and wash the surrounding area. I found this to work great on my kids (human) and when we got goats I thought it was worth a try. It has always worked and now I am using it on our calves. I wash they're eyes 2 times a day and it usually is cleared up in about 5 days. You can find the goldenseal in the herb and vitamin aisle at Walmart or any health food store. This might be helpful if the goats are anitbiotic resisitant. For some reason the natural remedies operate differently.

I really hope that the eyes recover!
when dad had one that really needed to be patched, the vet told him to glue the tops and sides and let the bottom be open so the drainage could go out. he used kind of an upside down "C" glue so only the area where the eye tear duct is was left open mostly shut to keep flies from loving it there, but open enough to drain. You might try that! This method keeps it dark but open to drying out and drainage ALSO you can shoot the medicine in that one hole without removing the whole patch every time
edited for stupidity!
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She does have it in both eyes.

One doe is starting to clear (after starting the excenel and saline treatment), she is not discharging, so I will be getting some patches for her eyes.

The other doe (the REALLY bad one), her eyes have gone from marble white to completely black with white specks in the middle. Her discharge is slowing, so I may be able to get her patched up as well.

Fudgie-thanks for the tip-I think that's what I will do.
I don't have any advice for you. Just wanted to say how sorry I am that you and your girls are having this trouble.

I've never had any get that bad. I had a couple of nigie does a few years ago who were very prone to it and my vet just mixed up a spray bottle with some type of purple antibiotic and had me spray it directly in the eyes. We never had any permanent damage and never had it spread to the others with that treatment.

Hope your girls recover!

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