Pittsburg CA council meeting April 16th 7PM help voice opinion and change ordinance


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 2, 2012
East Bay CoCo County California
I live in Bay Point / Pittsburg. officially pittsburg which does not allow fowl.
Id like to goto this meeting and hopefully gain some support with people going as well to help voice an opinion to change this ordinance.

I am a new guy looking to get into having 3 or so Hens for eggs.

Pittsburg's ordinance can be found here


A recent email about the meeting

According to the County Assessor records, your address is located within Pittsburg so you are talking to the right person.

As I noted below, the regulations have not changed to allow for keeping fowl at the home although I do understand that it is becoming more common in various communities throughout California. You are more than welcome to bring this matter up at the next City Council meeting during public comments. This is the time set aside for residents to bring matters of interest up to the Council. Basically, you should share the reasons that you believe that chickens should be allowed at residences within the City and ask that staff be directed to amend the municipal code to allow this.

Again, the next Council meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 16 at 7 p.m. at Pittsburg City Hall, 65 Civic Avenue, 3rd floor. Feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.


Leigha Schmidt
Associate Planner
There are two websites (that I know of!) in the Bay Area :

[email protected];

[email protected];

I would suggest that you post on these websites asking for folks in your area to come help you out at the Council Meetings.

SanMateoChickens was able to change the rules in all the "county only" areas last year. However, it meant that several of us had to attend EVERY Planning Committee meeting and EVERY Board of Supes meetings until we got it passed. The Planning Dept was very helpful -- they researched what cities were allowing what and came up with a great proposal.

Hello sir,

I have now had a chance to consider this item with my staff. In order to move this issue forward, the City Council will need to initiate the study for this municipal code change. Staff will need prepare a Council consideration item to initiate this study. Unfortunately, Planning staff currently has a full workload with other ordinance revisions stated on the Commission/Council goals lists for 2012/13. This being the case, we estimate it will likely be approximately six months before Planning staff can devote the necessary time to this project.

I apologize for the delay, but I will ask staff to contact you by email to inform you in advance of the date that this item will go before Council.

In the meantime, please feel free to contact me should you wish to discuss this item further.

Joe Sbranti
City Manager
City of Pittsburg
925-252-4923 ph

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