plants to feed chickens


6 Years
Oct 29, 2013
My chickens have eaten all the grass in their area. I want to provide some plants to put in the area. I heard Marigolds are good. Can I also provide herbs in the area for them to munch on?
Mindbogglingly big list, knowing the general area you are would help a bunch. as stated before Dandelion is pretty much guaranteed to be available as well as most types of clover and Amaranth like lambs quarters. there is a lot of ins and outs too like wood sorrel looks like clover but isn't and it is edible in medium to small amounts but to much can kill as well as consuming it over a long period kills the same. As well as sweet clover is edible in small amount but only fresh and only if it has not developed a common mold. Heck even many edible things are bad over time like lambs quarters and spinach are bad if they are a daily staple over months or even weeks depending on the amounts ate.
Anything you put in their area that they like and is unprotected, will not last long. You could put covered grower boxes in their area or just grow stuff that they can't get to, then pick some and put it in their area to have. I grow herbs and toss some in their run. My garden is fenced in so it's safe from the chickens.

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