Please give me the final word on blackhead prevention


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 15, 2010
SE Tennessee
I'm new to turkeys, but I've got a month-old poult in the brooder with some chicks and I want to know how to prevent blackhead before I move them outside with the rest of the chickens.
To prevent blackhead, should I worm just the turkeys or just the adult chickens or everybody? What wormer should I use?
I wish I could help. I have turkeys and chickens together for 10 years and I have never seen blackhead. I also have never dewormed anyone. They seem healthy to me.

What is black head? I have not heard of it but I keep my chickens and turkeys separate.

I use wazine 17 for worming like once a month or every couple months.....I have heard of people putting apple cider vinegar in the water too.
I usually keep mine seperated from the chickens and actually keep them in above ground pens until they start getting to big for them. Then I move them to portable pens out in the field on grass that we have never kept chickens on and they do great. Also I do worm when they go to the ground pens. Maybe it's because I haven't raised chickens on the ground that I put them on or maybe it's the worming but we seem to have real good luck with this system. Raised up about 150 of them last year.

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