PLEASE HELP -- 2.5 week old chick won't stand ... [UPDATED]


Mar 16, 2020
Spooner, WI
My Coop
My Coop
I have a 2.5 Barnvelder chick who I found sitting in the corner of the brooder last night. Woke up this a.m. and she won't stand. She can stand, but seems like she chooses not to. She can walk, she chirps. I put her in a box with some food and water. She isn't eating. Her crop is empty. When she sits, her wings are hang by her side. She seems quite warm. Her poop is solid and normal colored. She just pooped while sitting. I gave her electrolytes and probiotic. What is going on ???!!!???
What does her poop look like? Do her legs look normal when she stands or walks, or does one turn out to the side or help up? I would buy some Poultry Cell vitamins with electrolytes right away and give her a couple of drops daily. If you cannot get that, get some vitamin B complex (not B12) and crush a 1/4 tablet into some water and give that to her with a dropper. The chick may be dehydrated from something going on with it’s legs , or coccidiosis could be a problem. I would first try getting it to drink well by dipping it’s beak into the treated water for half second, letting it swallow, and repeat. Wet a small amount of it’s food, and try getting some into her. If the poops are runny, you could get some Corid and try treating for coccidiosis. But first try to treat dehydration. Pictures of the legs in a standing position even if you have to hold her would be good to post.
What does her poop look like? Do her legs look normal when she stands or walks, or does one turn out to the side or help up? I would buy some Poultry Cell vitamins with electrolytes right away and give her a couple of drops daily. If you cannot get that, get some vitamin B complex (not B12) and crush a 1/4 tablet into some water and give that to her with a dropper. The chick may be dehydrated from something going on with it’s legs , or coccidiosis could be a problem. I would first try getting it to drink well by dipping it’s beak into the treated water for half second, letting it swallow, and repeat. Wet a small amount of it’s food, and try getting some into her. If the poops are runny, you could get some Corid and try treating for coccidiosis. But first try to treat dehydration. Pictures of the legs in a standing position even if you have to hold her would be good to post.
Thank you - legs look normal, feet look normal. Walks a bit but then sits down. Poop looks normal, is green, mostly solid. I am giving MannaPro medicated chick starter which should combat Coccidiosis. I have Rooster Booster - TSC is a ways away so I have now given it some of that with a syringe. Pick of chick below. While she's not the smallest of the bunch, I wonder if maybe she got run over by her mates and got hurt? But she's not eating so that concerns me. I have put her in a box by herself. Maybe I'm just over-worrying and should wait to see if she get's worse? :(

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It appears that it may be the right leg that is having issues. She is eating a bit but at this rate, it doesn't seem like it will be enough to sustain her. If it's a sprain, or something how long to confine her?
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I’ve got a chick that looks just like yours who is sick too. I’ve been giving her nutrition drench and keeping her mostly in isolation , she was barely there yesterday, today much better! Still not 100 percent
the poster above gave great advice
good luck let us know
What Rooster Booster product are you giving her? RB is just the brand name. Are you giving Poultry Cell? She needs to have a product with riboflavin (vitamin B2.) That helps with legs in chicks. Medicated chick feed is supposed to help them become tolerant of coccidia in the environment, but it will not treat a coccidiosis outbreak. That takes medication, such as Corid (amprollium.) She could just be dehydrated, but keep an eye on her poops and behavior. I would give the vitamins and electrolytes for a few days, and get her drinking often, and eating chick feed. Wetting a little of the feed can be helpful. A chick chair or sling is something that you may want to make her today. They are a way to get them upright and in front of food and water so they can eat, and you can take them out often for sleeping or stretching. Here is a link with pictures of chairs:


Chick chair made out of a sock and a styrofoam cup.
What Rooster Booster product are you giving her? RB is just the brand name. Are you giving Poultry Cell? She needs to have a product with riboflavin (vitamin B2.) That helps with legs in chicks. Medicated chick feed is supposed to help them become tolerant of coccidia in the environment, but it will not treat a coccidiosis outbreak. That takes medication, such as Corid (amprollium.) She could just be dehydrated, but keep an eye on her poops and behavior. I would give the vitamins and electrolytes for a few days, and get her drinking often, and eating chick feed. Wetting a little of the feed can be helpful. A chick chair or sling is something that you may want to make her today. They are a way to get them upright and in front of food and water so they can eat, and you can take them out often for sleeping or stretching. Here is a link with pictures of chairs:

View attachment 2092182
Chick chair made out of a sock and a styrofoam cup.
Thank you again - so appreciated! The RB brand is Rooster Booster w/Rooster Booster® Vitamins & Electrolytes. She didn't eat when I had her in isolation (a box in my laundry room) but ate and drank a lot when I put her back in with her mates. Her poop is good/normal. She just sits on a little stump that I have in their pen and will walk to the feeder/waterer. I am going to put a chicken wire separation across the pen they are all in and put her in that to help her heal. It's either her wing, or her leg. Will take a look at making that sling - its so cute!


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