PLEASE help!! 9 weeks old chick not walking

So hard to say what it is or could be. Tube feeding is not just a way to keep them hydrated and fed, it's also a diagnostic tool. Tube fluids, then fluids and food and the poop should normalize if it's not from disease. To me that poop looks like some poops I have seen when mine have had an bacterial infection.

I can't afford the vet unfortunately. The only avian vet I know is 1 hour away,it is expensive and not experienced in chickens. This little chick is in my hands and yours. Please don't be mad at me but I don't know how to say it nicer...
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I can't afford the vet unfortunately. The only avian vet here is 1 hour away,it is expensive and not experienced in chickens. This little chick is in my hands and yours. Please don't be mad at me but I don't know how to say it nicer...
No worries, I know it's expensive. Do you have a kitchen or postal scale? If so, how much does she weigh?

We don't judge when people say they can't use a vet for their chickens. I have never and probably will never take a chicken to a vet. I have learned so much from this site and am very greatful for the level of patience these ladies have.
If she hasn't been drinking her Corid water, she's not getting an effective dose of Corid, right? Try giving her one drop of undiluted Corid 4 times a day and see if that helps.

FWIW, I just measured a drop of 9.6% undiluted Corid from a standard 1ml syringe *without* a needle and each drop was 0.05ml. One drop four times a day is not going to hurt her.

I really appreciate you all understanding.
Kathy I dont have a kitchen scale, just the very basics in our home.
The feed store is only 10 miles away from me and I can buy her antibiotics there if you think that seems like the next step.
I am not giving any vitamins for now as advised so corid at least cleans out cocci if she has it.
Fancychooklady thanks for the link. It has been hot here and she has had more fluids than food so the poop had to be greenish.
Enola the only cocci look I know is blood in the droppings. She doesnt have it now but when she was with the other 5 chicks one or more of them did. This is why I gave them all corid.
Now she is weak from something again

This is her at 2 weeks old when she first had the weak legs and got better next day with b vitamin. Blood in the droppings appeared about 1 week after she and one of the others had the leg issue.

The gals that just had necropsies done didn't see blood in their poop either, and most of the time I don't either. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it is coccidiosis, just that it could be and giving several oral doses of Corid might help her.

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