Please help :-( all of the sudden one if female ducks was fine and then walked up to me and was...


Nov 21, 2022
I need advice asap šŸ˜« please my 7 month old girl kakhi campbell walked up to me an hour after getting outta the water ( they spend like 45 mins preening afte4 getting outta the water) and she was really weak on her feet and had a hard time getting balanced, and when I was Checking her I noticed that her one eye looked half closed and her pupil was dialted .. we checked her airways she seemed clear only thing is there was only 1 egg between my ducks and usually every morning there is 2 and if not ,usually the one that didn't lay will walk around quaking alot so I know that she needs to lay so ill draw up a warm bath and it always comes out in the bath or a short time after but not today but there has been a couple times that we're there'd only be 1 egg but every was fine ...they couldn't have eaten anything poison, there night time sleeping spot is not moldy and I clean it out every morning and put new shavings in it !!! What should I do ??? I don5 wanna lose her please šŸ™ help


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Where are you located roughly?
Just asking, because while I am not a duck expert, the symptoms sound a little like snake bit symptoms.
Any chance she could have been bitten?
Thanks for the advice wifey and me did do a lot of research that day and we did check her vent and indeed there was an egg inside. We gave her a hot bath let her sit there for a while and still nothing so we researched that we could kinda help her push it out very gently and that's what I did took me about 45 mins of helping her push it out in the hot water and giving her little breaks in between until I started to see the white start to peek out of her vent I also has some lubricant and put some around her vent and finally out came the egg and she was her normal self again. Now I do have a question about egg laying I read somewhere that if u lower the protien to 13% 14% that they won't lay as many eggs. I have them 2ducks as pets not for the egg laying how could I stop them from laying the eggs daily I don't want this too keep happening and affect their health we love them very much and rather have them healthy and have a long life than them producing eggs and getting one of them stuck to where I can't assist them and the worst happens we would be devastated.
Tractor supply or other feed stores call around if your not close to a TSC.

I don't know but lowering the protein may cause the problems to get worse. Many breeds were developed to lay a lot of eggs and other than getting them injected with an implant to stop laying they will lay and not much we can do. But making sure they have Oyster shell on the side so they can eat it as they need it and having calcium gluconate on hand for emergencies is a good idea. I'm really not sure on reducing the protein so I'd do alot of research before you change anything. And hopefully someone on here will know and can help.
Congrats on helping her get that egg out hopefully she'll not have any more trouble.
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Khaki Campbell are good egg layers
I wouldnā€™t try to stop it but do the things @Miss Lydia says to help her
Do you just have the 2 girls ?
If so you can feed a layer feed as well as crushed oyster shells on the side
My girls eat a bowl per day ( I have 11 females ) but I also have drakes so I avoid straight layer feed

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