Please help ASAP-chicks stuck in egg!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 20, 2012
Today my rare and standard breed assortment eggs from murray McMurray were due to hatch. 7 chicks already hatch and appear healthy. However some are stuck in the shell. One has the shell pipped in a small hole but can't get through the membrane. The chick managed to get his beak through which saved it from suffocation. The others are alive (you can see the beak through the pip) but aren't trying very much to get out. We opened the incubator once in the morning and took out two of the chicks to put in the brooder. I read somewhere if you wait 6 hours in between opening the bator it won't harm the eggs or chicks. Should we help the chick by peeling the membrane away from the pip? And for the others should we try to peel away some of the shell to help it get out? Please help!!!
The whole day since the 3:15 am in the morning with the one with the membrane problem and the others are since about 9:00am or so
Some say don't help...I say, Help!

Shut the bathroom door, turn on the shower. Fill the room with steam. Hold the egg with a warm, damp washclothe. Slowly peel away the pip side, using a tweezer. Go slowly and carefully. If you see blood, stop! Peel the egg shell and membrane away forming a lid. The last ones I helped are now laying eggs :) I actually helped them the entire way out..just leaving the bottom of the shell on for the umbilicus to finish drying all the way. Good luck and keep us posted :)
Should I try to peel away the membrane and for the rest, the shell? The rest of the chicks in the bator are dry so I dont think they will get a chill.
Ok, so I just did what you said to 3 eggs. One I was able to cleanly get completely out of the shell. He is upside down but alive chirping and kicking...should I flip him over or leave him. The others are still in their eggs. One I made bleed but it stopped. The other I got the membrane off of his head and shoulders and is currently trying to get out.
Wonderful. You can flip him if you like. It might make him more confortable. Let the others rest and finish on their own. If the membrane has them still stuck after awhile, finish hatching them.

BTW...congratulations and great job :)

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