
Mar 29, 2017
SE Kansas
Ok... 23 shipped eggs...I let them rest upright for 48 hours before setting. They are in an upright tilting turner. I candled them today, day 7, 6 of the eggs had no development and every solitary one of the others has a detached air cell:thI am so disappointed I am almost sick. This is my first experience with shipped eggs so I didn't know the don't turn them for the first 3 days of incubation rule. Is all hope lost? Anyone else had this happen and had at least a 50% hatch? Success stories? Anything else I should do at this point????:oops:
I don't have any incubating experience but I have a bantam and a Turkey sitting on their first clutches. One of my eggs has a pretty large detatched air cell so I've been doing a lot of research. Everything I've found says that it is still possible for them to hatch. They need to be incubated and hatched in an upright position. You can use the bottom half of an egg carton to do this. I unfortunately don't have an incubator so I'm just leaving it and hoping for the best. Best of luck to you as well. I've heard sooo many stories of detatched air cells with shipped hatching eggs. I think ill just stick to my own eggs from now.
I don't have any incubating experience but I have a bantam and a Turkey sitting on their first clutches. One of my eggs has a pretty large detatched air cell so I've been doing a lot of research. Everything I've found says that it is still possible for them to hatch. They need to be incubated and hatched in an upright position. You can use the bottom half of an egg carton to do this. I unfortunately don't have an incubator so I'm just leaving it and hoping for the best. Best of luck to you as well. I've heard sooo many stories of detatched air cells with shipped hatching eggs. I think ill just stick to my own eggs from now.
I wonder if I should turn the turner off for a couple days and see if they reattach or if that would do more harm than good....I really need at least some of these eggs to hatch...feeling kind of defeated right now. I never been a huge fan of hatching in cartons as I always have several eggs pup at the wrong end but I think that is the only way to go with this batch.
Sounds like an idea. I'm not sure if it would do any additional damage though. I would do more research on it first though. I would hate for it to be a complete loss.
Ok so I want to continue to update this thread because one of my biggest pet peeves is to come on here searching for help and find that people never update their posts so that you know the final outcome.

So what I was calling detached air cells were actually saddle bag air cells. Just a recap...everything that could go wrong just about did during this process. Eggs were shipped from New York to Kansas from the same seller. 1st box arrived, eggs were packaged and labeled great but huge dent on the outside of the boxwhere it had been mishandled by USPS, and the lady in the post office tells me when she got to work that morning they were in a bag on the floor with the rest of the mail.:barnieThe next day the second shipment arrived, box was intact but when opened the carton of eggs had been shipped upside down.:he could only see 2 out of 23 air cells. I let all of the eggs set upright at room temperature for 36-48 hours before setting them. I was unaware I should not turn shipped eggs for the first 3-5 days so they went straight in the turner.:confused:On night 6 had a 4 hour power outage.:hitCandled them on day 7 and six of the eggs were completely clear with no development and were discarded...this is when I noticed every solitary one of the remaining shipped eggs had large saddlebag shaped air cells:rantAt this point I decided to shut the turner off for 2.5 days to see if the air cells would improve they did not. Ended up losing 3 more that stopped developing and developed blood rings. So at lockdown had 14 viable eggs that had HUGE saddle bag air cells some of which looked to have a small amount of fluid in them. Locked them down and crossed my fingers:fl. Of the ones that made it to lockdown the 3 were from the ones shipped upside down the rest were from the crushed box. Today is hatch far 2 beautiful paint silkies have hatched:jumpy and 5 more are pipped. No action at all from the 3 eggs that were shipped upside far. This is where we stand right now I will give a final update later.
Update I forgot to mention...when I locked them down I did place them upright in egg cartons. So 10 eggs externally pipped. One pipped directly into a pocket of fluid and died in the shell. 7 hatched on their own unaided And the last two were assisted hatches due to being completely shrink wrapped by their HUGE saddle bag air cells. So 9 chicks...everyone seems to be doing well this morning and moved to the brooder. 4 eggs still in the incubator I briefly candled them last night and did not see anything that gave me any hope they were still viable. I will water candle them tonight when I get home and if nothing I will discard. (Normally I would wait another day but like I said none of them looked promising) So I continue to update this in case anyone else has the same problem in the future, they can see the turnout. When I was researching this problem I found several cases on here but not one person updated their post with an outcome, so if this gives someone a little hope or help then my job is done. These eggs looked so bad I was sure I would not even end up with one successful hatch so as much as I wish they had all hatched I am pretty satisfied with what I ended up with. I WILL GIVE A FINAL UPDATE AND POST PICTURES OF MY SWEET FLUFFIES TONIGHT.
I've never heard the term saddlebag air cells
But I think I've seen it... Do they look kinda like a saddle shape?

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