PLEASE HELP--discharge fr vent/ not roosting/ LAME


In the Brooder
10 Years
Aug 5, 2009
My favorite hen has been hiding in the nesting box for the past 4 hours. At first I thought she was trying to lay, but we already got one from her today. She usually squeals when we open the box on her, but she just looks sad. I picked her up and she has a leaky vent, a white discharge hanging out. She's walking wobbly too. I don't want to wake up and find her dead! should I bring her in tonight and feel for lumps? I"m wondering if this is a yeast infection, an impacted egg, or worse?
Bring her in so you can keep her warm and monitor how much she eats, drinks and poops. If you can post pictures of her that would be very helpful.
we brought her in and gave her a bath as she had leaky butt and diarreah. When I picked her up it was like squeezing a condiment bottle. She had no noticable lumps. Her vent looks normal other than the leakage. No noticable marks on face, eyes or neck. This is scary because there seem to be so many diseases they can get. Should I isolate her completely?
Yeah, I would. If she's not new to your flock it's probably nothing contagious, but you don't want the other ones picking on her. Try giving her some scrambled eggs and see if that perks her up. Also check her over really good for mites/lice because they can run a bird down in a hurry. Do you think she might have worms? Is there any odd odor coming from her vent?

Here's a link to the infamous poo page, hopefully that will help narrow things down.
thanks for your help. that website is preetty amazing. We brought her up and kept her on our lap with a towel and hot water bottle until she fell asleep. When we unwrapped the towel to put her to bed downstairs, we noticed she had squeezed out a soft broken egg. It looked like a fetus or something from a david lynch movie. Gross. No blood, just gross. Hope that's the end of that.

Anyone know what exactly causes that to happen to them?
thanks for that link. So basically the only way to know if there's a shell stuck inside her is if she starts bleeding, correct?
I'm not sure. I've had an egg bound hen, but she finally passed it unbroken. I think infection would be a concern at this point since it broke inside. Were you able to flush her out at all?

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