Please help! Do I need to put coconut oil on pip?

As promised, here's an updated picture of Fancy. I keep leaning back and forth on the gender of this bird. This week, I'm thinking pullet. This chick is so cautious about everything but it trusts me. Not sure if that has anything to do with it being an only chick for its first week.
Edited to add that Fancy is 64 days old now.
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Hi! I will reply more as soon as I get everyone locked up for the night but I snapped a picture of Fancy just now and wanted to share this beauty. I am so in love with this bird! Huge difference between June 19th 2020 and Oct 1st 2020
Hi! I will reply more as soon as I get everyone locked up for the night but I snapped a picture of Fancy just now and wanted to share this beauty. I am so in love with this bird! Huge difference between June 19th 2020 and Oct 1st 2020
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OMG she's gorgeous! I'd love to see the other babies when you're done! Happy to hear from you.
Such a difference in Fancy. She's so beautiful.
I hope to get pictures of most of the chicks today. Everyone is doing well and growing up way too fast! The Spitz is still doing well and I am convinced that she's mixed with something rather than being pure. She's still black and her comb isn't right either. Her crest seems to be on the smaller side from other Spitz I've seen. One positive is that there is still no color to her small comb so I'm hoping it's a pullet! We've named her "Elvira" :lol: The CCL's are growing so fast and doing well as leaders of their flock. Freddy is still quite gentle but very nervous and Luna Petunia seems to be very motherly and curious. We named Mally and Blue's chick, Molly, but I believe it's a cockerel so it's now "Manny". He is feathered so beautifully and has a very small crest. The flock that hatched after them was from the eggs that were from around here. They're mostly mixed Polish/Easter Eggers. There is one pure Polish, and 2 EE's. The others look like very dark EE's with crests and one that has to be RIR mix. He is HUGE! My daughter asked if he might be a meat bird mix, hahaha! So far he's been gentle but I'm keeping a very close eye on him. One of the EE/Polish from this flock was scissor beaked and I lost him last week sadly. There is one other that seems to have an over beak (?). I'm not familiar with this at all but it's like an overbite. He seems to get along fine and it's barely noticeable. The last chicks I had 3 to hatch and the very last one hatched with the protruding naval. It finally fell off after 2 weeks and was a hollow scab. The other 2 (Isbar cockerel and Swedish Black cockerel) seems to have accepted her (Swedish Black pullet, I believe) and they are all growing up quickly! The naval chick just moves out of their way whenever they start chest bumping and trying to dominate. She doesn't want any part in that. She is such a gentle sweetheart.
OMG I'm SO sorry I never replied! I thought I had. I wrote a whole reply but my phone died and deleted it. I thought it posted in time and I totally forgot to check!
OMG I'm SO sorry I never replied! I thought I had. I wrote a whole reply but my phone died and deleted it. I thought it posted in time and I totally forgot to check!
It's ok. Happens to me way too often, so I completely understand. I hope you're doing well. Thanks again for all of your help and support. I need to get pictures but I have to clear off some apps and old pics to make room on my phone otherwise it won't let me take any new pics.

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