Please help ID my hens


9 Years
Apr 28, 2015
Western Massachusetts
When I bought these, I was told they are gold lace wyandotte. Looking at pictures online, I'm starting to think the look more like easter eggers. They haven't layed eggs yet, but if they are green or blue I guess that would answer my question. Would like to know what you guys think. Thanks.

In second pic, asking about hen in center.
I agree on Easter Egger.
When I bought them I knew they didn't look exactly like GLW, but I thought it was just because the were young and when they were full grown they would have the GLW look. I'm not breeding them or anything, so I don't really care that the are not GLW, but I do want to know what I have. I think they are nice looking birds, and it's kind of cool to know I'll be getting some green eggs!
When I bought them I knew they didn't look exactly like GLW, but I thought it was just because the were young and when they were full grown they would have the GLW look. I'm not breeding them or anything, so I don't really care that the are not GLW, but I do want to know what I have. I think they are nice looking birds, and it's kind of cool to know I'll be getting some [COLOR=00FF00]green[/COLOR] eggs! 
Not all ee's lay colored eggs but I hope they do for you
Not all ee's lay colored eggs but I hope they do for you

Which opens up a whole 'nother can o' worms with regards to the great "EE debate" as there are two camps on this matter - one that will classify anything with blue egg parentage that has the potential to produce colored eggs as an "EE" and the other that feels only those birds with that parentage that DO produce colored eggs/sire birds who do are truly to be considered "EE" with the other birds of those matings that produce regular eggs simply being "mixed breed birds".
I guess now that I think on it I'm not entirely sure where I stand. Maybe unless they lay colors (besides brown) is my thoughts. Who knows I love them all equal

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