Please Help! Is my peachick a male or female??


what's quackalackin?
10 Years
Jan 8, 2010
Here is a pic of my 5 day old peachick, we think he is a male but seeing I have never owned peafowl before I would like an experts verification!!

Also we were told it was an India Blue is that correct?? Thanks for you help


Also this mystery chick came with the peachick as a comapanion so any info in it would be great!! Its gender / breed would be helpfull if thats possible??


Thanks any help would be much appreciated!!!

Where do you live?? Australia? someplace warm?
in the USA we are in bitter cold and it will be months before the peacocks start hatching here

Your peachick is a lil too young to sex.... give it a couple months. The chicken looks like a ..... gamebird perhaps?
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Beautiful babies:) I've only had peacocks for a few years but as far as I know you can't determine what sex they are until they are nearly 1 year old. You could have a dna test if you want to know right now. I haven't been able to tell by looking at them until they were 10 - 12 months old.
Yes hard to tell in pic, but the flight feathers does look like a hen, india blue, but will be able to tell for sure in 3 months.........
Yes I live in Australia, and oh yes it is quite hot here, going to be 43oC today!! phew time to get the hose out on the ducks and chooks!!
Thanks for your replies and I will poste some more pics of the peachcik when it is around 1 year, thaks everyone! (if anyone wants to add more be welcome!!!)
Also could the chick be an EE because it kinda looks like the EE chicks posted by some other people?? But then again I am also guessing lol!
Thanks for that
Ok then I could post some more pics of it at 3 months for you, seeing I only know how to care for it and no nothing on sexing him
this is a pair of purples, the male is on the left, female o the right.... note the back feather at the base of the neck or shoulders, male has barring female is losing hers, these are 10 weeks old...hope that helps same for your blue.


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