Please HELP leghorn's face is swollen and scabby!! PIC included


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 18, 2011
Yesterday morning I noticed my 2 1/2 year old leghorn's comb and area around her eyes were slightly swollen. Then in the afternoon they had greatly increased in size. This morning she looks like she went 3 rounds with Mike Tyson. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Environment - She is in the coop 75% of the time (coyotes and bobcats have been an issue). I usually let the ladies out to run around for the last few hours of daylight. say 5pm on.
Water - clean it out and give fresh every morning, sometimes afternoon if someone has fouled it.
Food - consistent layers feed, some oyster shells off to the side. Occasional yogurt, lettuce etc...

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