What have you been able to do for him so far?

Is there an unusual smell?

Are his shanks hot to the touch? Or just the area right behind his toes?

Is there any discharge from the toes now?

How about from his noes or eyes?

How is he eating and drinking/ how is his appetite?

What first aid supplies do you have on hand?

Is he separated from others? What is his living set up? (Cage, his own room?)

Is he lethargic or weak in his movements other than his legs or inattentive (does he react if you enter the room, make a noise, poke his shoulder) ?

How is his breathing?

Any other information you can provide?

For now I would disinfect any open red areas, treat them with an appropriate antibiotic ointment (or raw honey, whichever you have on hand) and cover them (the sores). Keep an eye on his overall health, eg eating, drinking, sleeping, usual or unusual behaviors, etc. Let us know if anything has changed. Right now it looks like whatever was originally the culprit is already over. His toes though didn't survive whatever it was. If his general health is ok and it doesn't spread ( depending on the answers to some of the above questions ) then the best thing (maybe the only thing) you can do at the moment is prevent secondary infections and try to keep him as comfortable as possible until the toes finish drying out. Then they will either fall away or simply be non functional and funny looking. Hydration, comfort (as possible), quiet, and rest are probably his best friends right now.

I put vetrycen and antibiotic on his foot and soak it in warm water and Epsom salt.
kind of .
sometimes his whole foot.
pussie blood sometimes.
great his apitite is bigger than it used to be.
antibiotics electrolytes vetrycen gauze and wrap.
yes he's in a small tote in my basement.
sometimes but he makes noises and pops his head up when I come into the room .
he usually breathes heavy
I was thinking that the second picture resembled it more closely, especially with the swelling above the black area where the blood flow has not been cut off. Perhaps the roo was brought in for the frostbite in the first place? I'm slightly confused...

no he was brought in because it started snowing he was not in the cold when the temperature started dropping here we brought him in
Sure got us stumped
Hang in there, someone may have the answer yet. Hope he gets better soon, you're doing all you can and that's all you can do. Keep us posted as to his condition...
Ok guys, I've talked to the op. Regardless of the cause here's the breakdown of his current condition:
Necrotic tissue of three toes, possibly starting in the back toe as well.
Inflammation and elevated temperature in the tissues of the foot.
Foul, "rotten" odor from the foot.
Pussy, bloody discharge from the foot.

Bird is alert, eating, and drinking.
He may be prone to pneumonia as his other leg is crippled since hatch and he cannot stand leaving him unable to lift his body off of the ground, affecting his breathing somewhat.

My best guess is localized aerobic bacterial infection. My research (brief) tells me he should be treated with a round of penicillin based antibiotic ASAP and carefully monitored for spreading of the infection and/or necrotic tissue.

Anybody got other ideas? I am by no means an expert. Any ideas anybody on where to find antibiotics and details on administration? Also any specific advice on preventing slow or sour crop during treatment since the bird can't stand and so likely has a slowish crop already?

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