Please help me ID my ducks [photos inside]

Your brown ducks that many have called Campbells, look more like Bali or Indian Runners. These birds were all descended from your part of the world and these look similar to the ones I've seen in pictures. They appear to be Fawn colored, but what a birds looks like in the US and what a bird looks in Singapore are two totally different things. At any rate they are beautiful! Even the Muscovy look interesting and I don't like that breed whatsoever.

Thanks all the info...

@gofasterstripe & @kswaterfowl
I live in Indonesia right now and this island very near to Singapore and those tall brown duckling was air in from Java by the pet shop.
I still don't know what local call. But the owner in pet shop told me its not Bail, local call them something "m????? sari",... need the ask again when next time visit the shop.
They are now laying green eggs...

Now one of the young Muscovy male try mate with the Mallard... @@"

@Miss Lydia
I started the chicken for hobby then end up over 160 chicken now & collecting eggs then breed them and sell the chicks.
For the ducks I also start from few Moscovies from friend & bought from other farm. Now would like to do the same.
Start to clear some more land, build fence & pool for separate different variety.
But using incubator the hatch rate are much lower compare to hatch chicken eggs.
For chicken eggs min. 85% hatch rate. Muscovy eggs almost zero. the green eggs (Indian runner?) around 40%.
Still try to find out where is wrong.

Here is some more photos
Now the first group of 10 Jumbo Pekin put together with others seen okay. they are around 3 months old now. Two days ago I catch two and weight them. one is 3.6 Kg (smaller one) & the other 4.16 Kg


Here is 2nd group of 20 Jumbo Pekin, photo took Jan 27.

Here is today photo. still at my house 3rd floor. to be move to the farm

Here is some of the offspring incubate & hatched from the green eggs. They should grown up like the dark brown one.

Here is some more younger offspring

Alex, if you are getting a great hatch rate with your chicken eggs, but a poor hatching with your duck eggs, the issue is most likely humidity. Ducks need a higher humidity level than chickens to successfully hatch. If the humidity is too low for ducks, they can't break through the membrane and die in the egg.
In my early case, around 25% are infertile and around 35% gone bad before day 20th.

For infertile eggs, I think they need a bigger pool for them to mate in the water. I watch a video for breeder, said in water avg. one drake can mate with as much as 27 hen.
I only had two drake and 20 hen. I do saw the shorter drake (Indian Runners) try to mate on the land and he droppd on floor twice. the tall one do better.

For those gone bad in the incubator I think because the eggs are dirty. So now I clean them all before put in to incubator. seem it work and the later 3 batch which still in the incubator are only 1-3 pcs turn bad, much less than before. Most likely the next few hatch could go up to above 50%.

Some eggs pipped & crack the eggshell, but did not break through a hole on the 2nd day after pipped. usually will die inside in the end.
Now, as long as I saw they start pipped but not through in the next few hours. I will use tweezer take out a small piece of shell & make a tiny hole right on the place which they pipped (in air pocket area like below picture 3 green eggs on the top, one of them start pip the hole bigger and bigger should totally break through within next few hrs).
And, the last 4 batch of hatch none of them die inside after pipped. those are in the earlier post last picture.

A week ago, I start to arrange duck eggs separate into one incubator with humidity 60% and chicken eggs to others with humidity 55%. I may try 65% later.


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