Please help me; I've had so much drama with these birds.


9 Years
Apr 15, 2010
Can someone please help me?

My quail are not doing well. They've had endless drama since birth. First, they were born without their mother being there (they are wild birds). Then, I move them outside after about a week of having them. There were too many holes in their 'temporary' coop, and seven escaped; nowhere to be found. We moved them back in, and worse yet... a chick died.

Now I am left with two lonely chicks out of the original ten. And more drama yet, they aren't eating their game bird starter!!

Don't bash me for not knowing how to feed these birds; it wasn't my fault that ten baby quail appeared all alone in my front lawn. Having not owned them before, there was no way of knowing what they eat. I fed them nothing but crickets and houseflies for most of their time here. Realizing that this obviously wasn't a complete diet, I went and picked up some game bird starter (thanks to a fellow BYCer for reccommending it). They are being such snobs! They won't eat anything but bugs, bugs, and more bugs. Now, I believe they're suffering from serios vitamin B deficiency; they're both limping. That can't be coincidence that they both hurt their feet at exactly the same time, it has to vitamin B deficiency. There was another thread related to mine that someone was experiencing the exact same difficulties. A few responses said that it was a vitamin B problem, which I find quite believable knowing that my birds eat nothing but insects.

I am at a total loss with what to do. How can they ever get enough vitamins if they never eat the game bird feed? Help me!!! Please!!!
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In a drug store or grocery where they carry infant vitamins.

Honestly, I wouldn't put it into their water. I'd give them about 3 drops on their beak, daily, for a week. Or dribble those drops onto a small piece of bread and feed it. That way, you're giving them a more exact dosage.

You could also put electrolytes in their water (get it at the feedstore) - or give them pedialyte electrolyte solution (also found in human infant care)
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walmart, cvs, revco, any store probably. It's the liquid baby vitamins. I don't know how much to put in the water, though. I just put a few drops in the dish of my African Grey when he was stressing out and pulling feathers last year. Maybe someone else can give you a 'dosage' for them.
Okay. I had some iron-free baby vitamins in the refridgerator, and immediately gave each bird a drop or two. They were suprisingly willing to take it, and I'm so relieved to have gotten something nutritious in those degrading little bodies.
Put the bugs ina bowl with the game food sprinkled over them....
I would also try scrambled eggs... Although i dont think mom quail would fed them that in the wild..

sprinkle the game feed all over the bottom of the brooder.. (put paper towels on the brooder floor and the feed on top of that....)... scratch at it a mother bird would do.... they will get interested in the food.
I was going to suggest the same thing about putting the bugs on top of their feed...

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