Please help me understand meat eaters not wanting to process a chicken!

I didn't want to say it but since you brought up liver, I eat my chicken liver raw with eggs in the morning. I know what the chickens ate so no worries.
I am just getting to where I can do sushi, I am not ready for raw liver. It is great that you can feal safe with it because you know exactly where it has been and how it has been handled.
Dust the livers in seasoned flour, fry in a mix of butter and oil. Once the livers are cooked to just pink in the center, put them to drain on paper towels. Add the flour leftover from breading the livers to the pan ( or add more flour if there wasn't any leftover), cook until it foams, and deglaze with homemade chicken stock (that's what the necks and feet at for). Cook until thickened, stir in a little bit of milk or, if you are feeling like extra time in the gym, cream. Add the livers back to the gravy, and serve immediately over egg noodles.

This, my dear readers, is my last meal. Yep, if I am ever on death row, this is what I want.
I could eat that. I would personally prefer homade biscuits over noodles, but with gravey and perfectly cooked liver the starch is just splitting hairs.
Mine get the livers too! It never sounded appetizing until y'all started in! Now I am going to have to try it!
My dogs will be VERY UPSET!
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