PLEASE help me with slipped tendon. 7 day old.


9 Years
Mar 5, 2011
Berthoud, CO
My 7 day old guinea keet has a slipped tendon in its right leg, and I've been trying for almost 4 hours to get a splint on and get him in a sling, or chair, that will work. I have a splint right now that is just a straw holding the leg straight, held on by two strips of vet wrap at either end, and the "chair" that he is in is just a tupperware container with a piece of a tshirt spread across the top and holes for the legs. He is currently able to get out of it, squeezes his left leg up through the hole and pushes his way out. I have never dealt with slipped tendon before, and I'm really just looking for any advice, splints, slings, anything. I don't know what to do and I'm exhausted trying to figure it out.

I have explored this website ( and have read as much as I can about the whole thing, but I can't find any good examples of pictures of anything, really. There are some, but the ones I have found are for bigger chickens or something completely unlike my own situation.

I noticed that on that website it mentions that the leg should be in a "natural" bent position, but the way that my little guy's tendon is slipped off, it won't stay put at all unless the leg is straight back... I would like to be able to bend it into a more natural position but I 1) only have two hands; and 2) don't know how.

Please help, I am absolutely overwhelmed by all of this (I have a particular bond with this keet) and I just want my baby to be okay... I appreciate any and every bit of advice you are willing to help me out with.
Thank you.

I think I got a decent setup for the night.. But I'm not sure that he knows he can eat/drink. Will he eat when he is hungry, and drink when he's thirsty? I've got him relatively immobilized for now and I'm hoping it stays that way, but I'm planning on getting up every so often throughout the night to check on him.

I sure hope he makes it...

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