Please help me!!!!!

Casportpony knows a lot about turkeys, so I would PM her. I just answered your PM, and sent info about aspergillosis and blackhead (histomoniasis.) I wish I knew more about turkeys. She really looks like she is gasping to breathe, poor thing.
Thank you I am at a loss it may be a worm and we used Wyzine this morning. But she is still not moving. I will pm your friend. Thanks again.
Casportpony is not online, but I hope she sees this thread. So sorry about your pet turkey. I would check her throat with a flashlight in case she could have tissue or food in the airway. Gapeworm can be treated with SafeGuard Goat Wormer or Horse Paste 1/4 ml per pound given 3 days in a row by mouth. And try posting here on the turkey thread:
I really feel for you, I know what it's like to love a turkey. Your turkey's best chance would be to find a vet to see her, though the stress of the car ride and the exam might be enough to kill her. Really need to see what her poop looks like, also need to know if she feels thinner than normal.

Kathy, thanks for responding to this thread. The OP had been trying to get help all day, but I hadn't seen the thread before. She may be back soon, hopefully. I hope the turkey is okay.

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