Please Help Me!!


May 18, 2015
Last Saturday, i bought 11 chicks, and by the time that they were 6 days old 6 had died. It wasn't from dehydration or hunger, i saw all of them eating and drinking. I'm not sure how this happened but they just died. I have never had this happen before. I even had 48 chicks delivered from cackle and only 2 died. I bought these from a private farm, so I was wondering if maybe the chicks from a hatchery are able to build up better immune systems than the ones from the private farm. The 5 that lived were slightly older so maybe that may be why they lived. Please help me, i am at a loss.
They were all between a day and two. None began to die before 4 days old. Before they died they would lay down alot. We put vitamins in their water. When i would notice them laying down alot, i would take a syringe and give them more medicated water. They would perk up a little bit and crow. But a few minutes later they would get tired again. 3 died in my hands, the other 3 were dead when I came home from the store. Only one of those 3 gaf symptoms. Out of the 6 that had died 3 were polish, 1 was a GL Wyandotte, 1 cinnamon queen, and an Easter egger. The 5 that lived were 4 jubilee orps and a Easter egger.
Most chicks that die around four days old have what is referred to as "failure to thrive". They sometimes start out eating and drinking like normal, but something internally is not right and their systems just don't digest food. Sorry for your loss.
Thanks, I'm not sure about the other chicks, but polish are rather fragile. I've had them before and 1 of the 4 died.
sorry bout your chicken
I am doing a research project about chickens and I was wondering how to care for chickens and how to make the most profit from a chicken.
thanks and sorry for your loss but I need help really bad with this project and it is due today at noon and I just now started it please help I am begging you:idunno .
of course. What is the project for
Chickens are fairly easy to care for as adult birds it is hard work but simple tasks. They need fresh food and water everyday. I feed my girls 18% layer pellet. Many chicken feeds come in pellets and crumbles. I use pellets because they are easier to clean up and my hens typically dont pick up the crumbles that they spill, unlike they do with pellets. You can also give your birds treats like mealworms or scratch grains. Your birds also require a clean, dry area to live in. If they are in a damp dirty area, they may develop diseases. You can treat diseases with different using antibiotics. These antibiotics can cone in a powder to poor over their food or a liquid to put int heir water. I prefer to use the liquid, to ensure that they get it all. Chickens prefer to sleep off the ground, they feel more secure. So it is important to put in roosts a few feet off the ground, for their own comfort. Some breeds need lower roosts some higher. To help them digest their food you may feed them small rocks called grit. If their eggs shells are too thin, it is a good idea to give them grit. They will know when they need these things, unlike the treats they wont sit and eat it all.
Your chickens may also get bugs, you may prevent this using things like diatomaceous earth, which breaks the exoskeletons of the bugs but wont hurt the bird. If they do develops bugs, you may use seven dust that kills the bugs
yeah the kid turned out to be mentally sick and what can you do to get max profit from a chicken and what can they eat and what can they not have and why are cockfights illegal also why do people some times put little glasses on chickens? thank you for the help can you tell me the answers to all of these questions referring to normal white chickens.:cd
also the kid just got sent up to the crazy farm.

Chickens can eat most anything even chicken but dont feed them that because cannibalism. Is gross. Cockfights are illegal cause that is inhumane it depends on what kind of bird that you are trying to get profit from some you can sell for more than you can eat and people put glasses on their chickens because the sunglasses help with the suns harsh glare and mainly because it is cute

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