Please help on how to cut wood!

Hello and thanks, everyone! I always thought wood working was something complex, but I guess I was wrong! I never thought of a wood chisel - I'll start using it too. Thanks for the websites. DH also don't want me using power tools. Thanks for the instructions! I'll start doing projects for my chickens asap(a small isolation coop would be a nice start). I'm glad I joined this forum.

Thanks again!
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My DH not only wants me to use power tools but he BUYS them for me! My chop saw is my favorite saw as it is stationary and so I don't need strength beyond holding the wood I'm cutting.

He learned very early on that I know how to use them and am willing to but also willing to play the "dumb blonde" if I think I can con him into making (whatever) for me. I don't get away with it often.

Just as I believe every man should know how to cook and do laundry (I taught my son very early on how to do both) but I think women should be able to use power tools and at the very least be able to change a flat tire. (I let Walmart change the oil!)

Don't be afraid to try. Worst that can happen is you cut a board wrong and have to cut a new one.

The advice to start off simpler is the best idea. Truth is, the chickens don't care what it looks like as long as they have a nice safe dry place to roost. The cosmetics are for US.

When ever you are nailing two boards together, make sure you use atleast 2 nails. One won't hold and will allow the boards to twist.

Frame up all your walls on the ground and then stand them and nail them together. You can even put the siding on with them on the ground. For tall sheds/coops, this makes it MUCH easier than working on a ladder.

Also, use a level and a square. Ask someone at the hardware/lumber yard how to use them. Building things square (where each corner is at a right angle) makes it MUCH easier.

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