Please help our chicken


In the Brooder
Mar 26, 2015
Concord, NC
My 6 year old adores our chickens but he did something terrible. He spray painted her with black on her face. I'm so worried about her respiratory system. Also, she isn't walking.

I'm asking for advice but please be kind about my parenting. My husband was home with him and we've always had our children act respectful to our pets.
Wow, I don't know what to say. As nice as I can be he's way to old and should know better than to spray paint a chicken, but accidents happen.

Have you searched online to find out what you might use to remove the paint without hurting her more? Not sure why she's not walking. Are her legs sprayed too? Did he hurt her legs holding her while spraying painting? I'm sure she just didn't stand there and take it. How long has the paint been on her?
Okay, I just found online where a lady removed spray paint from her hand with 1/2 cup coconut oil and 1/2 cup baking soda mixed together and she used a toothbrush. You could use a soft rag for her face and the toothbrush for her feathers very gently.
Thank you for the help. I guess I should mention that my son has autism, but he is usually very careful and respectful with them. I went to the store and my husband was outside with all 3 kids. He was helping our 2 1/2 year old when it happened.
Anyway, thank you. I will try that.
Also, this picture was taken after I tried to wash her and before I knew what it was.
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Thank you!!! We tried the olive oil and it got a lot out! Also, we are newer chicken owners, so tell me if this is weird. As I was cleaning her, she popped out an egg. Is that unusual? Is that why she wasn't walking?
She's up and running right now.

I'm so sorry for how dumb I must sound. Thank you so very much for your help.
Sorry, was taking a shower to get ready for church.

This morning I had a hen jump out of the nest and when she got to the ground out of the coop she stopped and laid an egg. So, maybe that's why she was not walking. I think it's a good thing that egg came out. I think I would wash her face with a warm rag to try and get as much of the olive oil off as possible, which you've probably already done.

I'm so happy she's up and running around.

Our youngest daughter (37 years old now) has Down Syndrome. She is our pride and joy and so loved by all who meet and know her. We don't know what we would do without her.

Gotta run, please keep me in touch with how she's doing.
Thank you so very much, pfields. We will let you know how things turn out. Also, I completely understand how she is your pride and joy. While I wish Jack didn't have to face the obstacles he does, I cannot imagine life any differently. We've been blessed with each of our kids.

We will most definitely keep you posted!

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