Please help! Sick hen....?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jan 8, 2011
One of my new white cochin hens has been having problems ....I think she may be egg bound. The first day I got her she was fine then the next day she was still eating and drinking and active but her eyes were just about shut. Later that day I went out there and she had passed a broken egg. The next morning I went out there and there was a perfectly fine little egg and she was fine. (teusday) And the following day the same problem eating and drinking like normal but her eyes are almost shut. I thought she may be eggbound but dont know. I cant feel anything hard in her abdomen. But I brought her inside and soaked her in some warm water, the I blow drried her and now she is in my rooom in a dark warm place so she can relax and hopefully pass the egg if thats the problem.
. I also added some electrolyte mixture to her water just now. Any suggestions on what might be ailing her?
sounds like you are doing all the right things if she is egg bound. lots of info here on that problem, I have also heard to lub the vent with olive oil to help the egg slide out. I think the electrolyte solution will be helpfull in making her feel more lively, do you live in a cold climate? if she is not feeling well, keeping her warmer than the outside temps for a few nights might be helpful, I have a fairly bald chicken I am keeping inside for a few nights when it is below 10 degrees at night, she stays in the coop with the others during the day, I keep her in my cool temp mud room, it is about 40 degrees at night, not sure if this is the right thing to do, but when they are ill/bald they are more effected by the cold or is this just the mother in me? but if they are a little warmer they can focus their energy on getting better. I hope she does well, good luck
Thanks for your help. She didnt pass the egg over night but now that I think of it eggbound might not even be the problem. She was in a pen with two roosters and she was the only hen so they would constantly peck her in the back of the head so maybe she is just sore from that, I did seperate her into her own little pen from all the other chickens so she dont get picked on anymore. I live in Florida so the coldest it gets here is about 20 degrees.
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it could be just that, getting pecked in the head all day would get to anything. I think you will know better if she feels better in a day or so after being separated from the roos, two roos and one hen is not a good ratio. I read here you shold have 10 hens per roo, they may be mating with her to much too, not allowing her to eat ect..

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