Please HELP! Young Silkie injured!

Chickens don't seem to bleed a lot with some of the injuries I have seen here on BYC. A piece of aquarium tubing (from WalMart or a pet store) and a 35 or 60 cc syringe from a feed store can function as a tube or crop feeding apparatus. Kay Tee baby bird food is good to use with tube feeding. The eye drops would lubricate his eye and probably help. Most grocery stores sell generic Neosporin--Triple Antibiotic Ointment or Bacitracin.
We live in a very small town and all the stores are closed and the nearest place that would sell that kind of stuff is 30 miles away.
Was it just saline? Some contact solutions have other ingredients?
Near the beginning of this thread, you showed some packets. If the last one is a petroleum based ointment, that's what to use.
Have you contacted the owner?
If he's not rallying soon, you may have to just hold him ...
Oh and heat lamp? Should I or should I not?
Thanks for all your help so far!
He should be kept in a room that is 80-85 degrees.

This is seriously him right now. (yes, he is alive)

I don't know what to do.......the blood/scab is right over his ear (i think)!

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