Please HELP! Young Silkie injured!

Is he young or just very thin? Doesn't matter... I'd try to get 30 ml of fluids into him 4 times a day. Start weigh him daily and you'll know pretty soon if your treatment is working or not. If he's getting enough to drink and eat he will gain weight.

He's young.....13 weeks. Wow. I still remember him as a tiny chick! He's actually doesn't feel thin at all. My friend either came home last night or this morning......I'm probably going to have to show them how to tube feed. I barely know how to myself!
At 13 weeks he should be gaining weight daily! So if he isn't, you have to figure out how to get more food into him. Would be best for you to figure out a way to get a proper syringe and baby bird food.

Yes, I'll try and get one today....
Oh, but the nearest pet store is more then an hour away. Can I just use what I've been using?
Yeah, I'm going to give him some ground up chicks starter with water. Oh and I just found a syringe...

Silkies are tough little birds! Keep up with the electrolytes and you might water down and mush up some chick starter for him. Be careful with the tubing and make sure you get it in the right place. There should be some things on google to show you what to do. Good luck!

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