Part of it spirals like an umbilical cord. He is still a very active little chick.

Best picture I could get. Insight anyone?? @caesargirl @casportpony @AmyLynn2374Thanks in advance!!!
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Best picture I could get. Insight anyone?? @caesargirl @casportpony @AmyLynn2374 Thanks in advance!!!
That does not look good at all. For one it still has unabsorbed yolk, it appears that it still had a fairly active vascular system with the blood I'm seeing in your "tub" and I am pretty sure that is more than just cord. To me, and I'd like someone elses opinion that has delt with this, it looks like intestine. I haven't had anything more than unabsorbed yolk and attatched cord in any of my chicks, so I wouldn't say for sure, but that's what it looks to me.
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Even if you can work the intestines back in through the navel, the odds of keeping them in and avoiding peritonitis are slim. If you want to give it a try, sanitize your hands or wear surgical gloves, use warm saline to flush contaminants from the intestine and remaining yolk, and gently work the intestine back in. The yolk is ruptured, so don't put it back in, it will dry up and fall off in a couple of days. Use a butterfly closure to bridge the navel and very gently dose orally with oxytetracycline and swab the navel with betadine. Keep warm and isolated on paper towel and change it frequently. In 3-4 days you will know if you were successful. If the belly starts turning hot or black, yellow or green or seeping from the navel then infection has set in which will be fatal.
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@WalnutHill I just sent the picture to a local livestock vet. They told me to tie a string very tightly as close as I could to the abdomen, and then clip close to the string but leave enough room in case the string slipped. I sterilized some scissors, put on latex gloves and snipped it off. There was no blood when i cut, the bleeding has stopped. I assumed the vet knew what he was talking about, but now you have me second guessing
it's already done. He has been lethargic, but jumps up and flaps around when touched. When I started the procedure the chick jumped,but didn't seem like the snipping of whatever this is hurt him at all. I hope the vet was right. I am now officially freaking out
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