Please Judge My Cuckoo Lavender Orpington!!!

Okay, I'm not an Orpington person by any stretch of the imagination, but........I also don't see good type in your bird. I was taught with horses to look at the silhouette of the animal first, color way last. Same as the barn analogy. If you completely blacked out your bird and showed the picture to folks, no one would guess the breed is an Orpington. I'm not sure exactly how to word it, NYREDS did a great job breaking down the individual parts. I can tell you your bird is too...upright, for lack of a better term, and the tail is way, way too high. I stole a pic from the imported Orp thread, I think the poster is's a lovely Orp rooster...

Again, I'm not an Orpington person, but I can see quite the difference in the quality of the birds.
Truth is it turns out that he is a barred rock Lavender Orp. Cross. I enjoy playing devils advocate. If he was a buff I would not consider showing him, NYREDS was spot on on his observation, however, made many assumptions outside just evaluating the bird. It was somewhat humorous. I have 20 years of experience in breeding birds and a few ribbons. I should have been more transparent on what I was doing, I will
Do so in the future. The assumptions outside discussing the bird could be demeaning to new breeders. They are the future. Lets be uplifting, it was fun guys!
Anyway, this boy is just part of our project he is a cuckoo lavender Orpington. His baring is very lavender, however, pretend he is buff in color. I would invite those familiar in exhibition to give me an honest impression of what you thing of this rooster. Be honest the birds are more important than my feelings[B][IMG][/B][/QUOTE]
So, you lied about what the bird was, asked for honest opinions then didn't like the honest opinions and "assumptions" made? Wow. Those "assumptions" were made off the information given. I think any [U]beginning[/U] breeder that comes on here and lies about what bird they're posting deserves a good dose of NYREDS, not lifting up. Since you say you're not a beginning breeder, I'd think you'd be tough enough to take it. You said it's what you wanted.
No, I did not lie. I just found out the Lav hen may have came contact with the barred rock roo not the lemon cuckoo Orp roo. As i said I welcomed the insight on the bird. It's just an exercise on improving ones eye on judging. If you would read carefully you would see that I said that his assumption (not about the roo) could bother a newby. Read carefully, in the end it was just for fun. I am not hear to fight or argue. If you are, then leave. The information on the Delaware hen is accurate. She is full Delaware she has good qualities and bad. The game is to see if you can spot them. If you cannot do it in a fun spirit then, please move on.

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