Please learn from our mistake - Raccoon Killed our chicken

We borrowed a couple of humane traps from a friend of mine and have them set tonight, using of our dead chickens that stupid coon killed last night as bait. We've lost 8 chickens in the past three days. That was all the outside ones. Luckily, we hadn't put the silkies out yet. They're going to be indoor chickens, I guess. (They look like fluffy bunnies with two legs anyway.)
I thought the size actually is important because a racoon can reach through anything larger, no?

(I'm actually replying to an earlier post - why doesn't it post directly below the post I am responding to?)
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We've left the traps out for awhile, and have caught a couple of possums, but no more coons. I think this one was a loner. (It was a male.)
We've left the traps out for awhile, and have caught a couple of possums, but no more coons. I think this one was a loner. (It was a male.)
I would keep setting the trap. I have caught 3 skunks and two raccoons in three nights. The coons are easy to get rid of. The skunks on the other hand are not that simple.
Post deleted because this poster's views are not politically acceptable here at Backyard Chicken.....

The Mods
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