Please no roo :( (Silver Laced Wyandotte)

Cockerel or Pullet?

  • Cockerel

    Votes: 9 100.0%
  • Pullet

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


8 Years
Sep 16, 2011
Bought two silver laced wyandottes (and 1 speckled sussex) as pullets from the feed store. Been a month or so now and one of the silver laced is getting a longer tail and redder comb... Please tell me Gracey is not a rooster. We already have 1 rooster and if it is we will have to get rid of it(him?). I think it is around 1 month old. I am not quite sure.

Do you think I can get my money back for it too since it was sold to me as a Pullet?

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I hate to say it, but I'm wondering if BOTH of your SLW are cockerels. The other one seems awfully big with a rooish stance and possible roo coloring on the wings.
I agree, the one out of the picture has got to be roo based on the coloring (and the fact that you mentioned Gracey has a longer tale). In my (limited) experience, it seems the cockerels feather out their tales later than the pullets. Here are my 2 Dotties (likely male on left) and Australorp in the foreground. ~1 wk later my female was was just as red in the comb and wattles, but her red would come and go and his would mostly stay. I am assuming that she is a "she" as she is nearly 20 wks now and there has been no crowing and her comb is still a light pink in color. Give it a few weeks and post new pics of your two (or pics of the other one now)

I know how you feel, they are hard to sex sometimes! There isn't much waddle growth, so I'd wait a bit and see. I'm more worried about the other one in the picture-that has more roo coloration and thicker legs than the one posted.
Haha, ok. And do you think that since they were sold to me as Pullets I could get my money back in the event of one of them being a roo?
There's more/widerspread white on the one than on the other. It isn't as laced.
I'd definitely give them more time, as Wyandottes can get red combs early and fool ya. But yeah, the little guy with all the white is very suspicious. Adult male Wyandottes have a kind of a pure white cape on their back that the females don't have.
Oh no, oh no, oh no.......

I have 2 slw - one has a pretty nice lace pattern and was the brooder bully (Citizen) and I suspected she was a he for a longtime. I posted several picts she finally got old enough that folks 'declared' her a 'she'. The other was smaller and meeker and had larger patches of white here and there (Raisin). Her comb and wattles look pretty much the same as her sister but she has recently gotten a noticably bigger and bolder. I thought she just had a lousey pattern....

These are a not real recent pictures (and not real good either) ... the 'girls' are about 11-12 weeks old.... PLEASE (
) tell me they're both girls



*** sorry to hyjack your thread GVNAM ****

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