Please share your victim to temp spike stories!

Checking in. I am awful at candling and unless it isnt obvious I have challenges seeing what I need to see. Yesterday was day 6 and I couldnt wait any longer. It was killing. I knew it was early (especially with my beginner level candling experience) but I tried it anyway. Over 1/2 of the eggs showed the black dots moving around!!
I will candle again at day 10 but it appears I still have growth happenning after the temp spike!

Thanks for the words of encouragement everyone!
My fan went out on my incubator one afternoon. I don't know how long it was out. I just happened to walk by and look in and noticed I didn't hear the fan running. I quickly checked the temp and it said 108 degrees! I quickly unplugged the fan and rewired and re-taped it (its a homemade incubator). That was a couple of weeks ago. This morning I have 3 chicks in the incubator! I was expecting a late hatch as well since the temperature has been running a little cooler this time around at 97-99 degrees. I have another egg pipped this morning as well so I'm guessing the chicks are fine! They are tougher than we think.
My fan went out on my incubator one afternoon. I don't know how long it was out. I just happened to walk by and look in and noticed I didn't hear the fan running. I quickly checked the temp and it said 108 degrees! I quickly unplugged the fan and rewired and re-taped it (its a homemade incubator). That was a couple of weeks ago. This morning I have 3 chicks in the incubator! I was expecting a late hatch as well since the temperature has been running a little cooler this time around at 97-99 degrees. I have another egg pipped this morning as well so I'm guessing the chicks are fine! They are tougher than we think.
@ foullover, seeing your profile pic made me think of when I went to get the roo from wisher1000. I thought all my cats were outside but my oldest cat was still in and the door to where our chicks were was wide open. He never touched a one. which was a good thing. as for the incubator issue, ours ranged from 97 to 104. I think that the meter that we got is showing a little different than the actual temp in there.I have have a pretty good hatch this go around. 18 hatched, 3 died, and have 5 still not hatched. might try to candle tonight to see if they are still alive. today is day 21 so Im hoping that they are still good.
After spiking up to 108 degrees, I'm happy to report that I know have 6 chicks! I still have 5 eggs to go! Today is day 21 and they started pipping yesterday evening! They are so cute too! Silver and Golden Sebright bantams! I bought them off of ebay so already its a great hatch rate!
After spiking up to 108 degrees, I'm happy to report that I know have 6 chicks! I still have 5 eggs to go! Today is day 21 and they started pipping yesterday evening! They are so cute too! Silver and Golden Sebright bantams! I bought them off of ebay so already its a great hatch rate!
@ foullover, seeing your profile pic made me think of when I went to get the roo from wisher1000. I thought all my cats were outside but my oldest cat was still in and the door to where our chicks were was wide open. He never touched a one. which was a good thing. as for the incubator issue, ours ranged from 97 to 104. I think that the meter that we got is showing a little different than the actual temp in there.I have have a pretty good hatch this go around. 18 hatched, 3 died, and have 5 still not hatched. might try to candle tonight to see if they are still alive. today is day 21 so Im hoping that they are still good.
Our cat is totally intrigued by them! He will sit and just watch them for hours if we let him.
Thanks! I think the last five eggs may be duds though. I candled them when I remove the six chicks from the incubator. The air cells are very large, doesn't look like a lot of growth in the egg, and I didn't see any movement. I'm super happy with six though! Shipped eggs was already a risk and then to have the fan go out was terrible! I really wasn't expecting any chicks so this makes me all the happier and they are so cute!!

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