Please Shut Your Kid Up! *RANT*

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I've been counting it down already! Guaranteed to make people on both sides of the fence mad- why even post something like this, except to cause a ruckus?
apartments are bad like this. I remember how clueless I was when I first moved into one with my soon to be x. Didn't know that everyone above below beside and behind me heard EVERYTHING


Just sayin
Living in an apartment doesn't mean that a person must put up with any amount of noise. A lot of people don't have any choice about living in one, and they shouldn't have to deal with excessive and continuous noise from neighbors.

My old apartment complex had its own security service, and I'd call them when the people downstairs were watching football with the volume turned way up and screaming at the TV (yes, I tried asking the neighbors to be quiet first. Didn't work). If we didn't have a security service, I would've called the cops.

One neighbor would blast music at 4am on weeknights, and then was surprised when I complained to them about it. They said "We work nights; why don't you respect our schedule?" I said "I do-- I don't blast music loudly ever." People who live in apartments have to be considerate of their neighbors....they can't make the kind of noise someone could if they had a house of their own.

What Rillion said.
I've been counting it down already! Guaranteed to make people on both sides of the fence mad- why even post something like this, except to cause a ruckus?

Because it was simply a rant, and people take rants all too seriously.

The OP is frustrated and probably has a headache/migraine from listening to the new neighbors and thought that by ranting about it here, then their BYC friends would at least feel for them.

I mean come one people, we all get frustrated and need to let stuff out. And we all say stuff in rants that we wouldn't actually do.

To the OP: contact the landlord or let the neighbor know the walls are thin.

And not everyone can control their living situation, for those who suggestion not living in an apartment.
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Yes, this. The landlord may not be able to do anything, but it's worth a shot....and it's better to actually talk to the neighbor about it. Stewing for too long and building resentment doesn't help anything, especially since the neighbor really might be oblivious to how loud he and his kid are being.

I once lived in a basement apartment underneath a houseful of college students. My bedroom was directly under their kitchen. I'm pretty sure that's the definition of hell.
Kids make noise. That is all there is to it. They can be controlled to a point but you cannot put a shock collar on them either. Personally, the sound of kids makes me happy. The neighbors kids are yelling their heads off right now. Does it get old sometimes? Yes. Do I want to stop them? Nope.

I think RP has to accept the realities of apartment life. If it's not a kid then it's a dog, or music, or bass from people watching movies, or doors, or drawers. Adults can be a lot louder than kids.

Best of luck with this one.
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