Please Shut Your Kid Up! *RANT*

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I agree the adults in the other apartment need to be more considerate. My issue is with the "stuffing the sock in the kid's mouth" statement.

If it's a baby, babies cry....sometimes a lot. My youngest granddaughter cried pretty much non-stop for the first 6 months of her life. It didn't matter if she was being held, fed or rocked....she cried. If my son and Daughter in law had been living in an apartment I'm sure the neighbors would have been upset.

I guess if people don't want to chance living next door to a child they should find an adult's only apartment complex.
I had neighbors like that once. Really considered putting a note on their front door that read "She's faking it."
Well said, we as older adultswith children tend to be more tolerant of kids and their behaviors. Truth is apartment life is well just less than desirable. Relax and get to know them first before you take any rash actions, there may have been a good reason for the temporary noise.

Many people understand you can't just hit the mute button on a child. The "sock" comment I'm sure was a comment made out of frustration, anyone who's been around a child that is determined to cry 24/7, knows how it can be overwhelming.

While some may find the 'sock' comment to be in bad tastes, it was just a silly comment made out of frustration. I used to joke with my brother-in-laws(10&13 at the time) that if they didn't stop screeching I was going to put duct tape on them.

Did I ever do it? No, but they did it to eachother. LOL!

And come to think about it, I think they shoved a "dirty"(eww) sock or underwear in eachothers face. All in good fun, but still gross.
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I've been counting it down already! Guaranteed to make people on both sides of the fence mad- why even post something like this, except to cause a ruckus?

Because it was simply a rant, and people take rants all too seriously.

The OP is frustrated and probably has a headache/migraine from listening to the new neighbors and thought that by ranting about it here, then their BYC friends would at least feel for them.

I mean come one people, we all get frustrated and need to let stuff out. And we all say stuff in rants that we wouldn't actually do.

To the OP: contact the landlord or let the neighbor know the walls are thin.

And not everyone can control their living situation, for those who suggestion not living in an apartment.

I'd have to say I agree. people come here to rant, it's not to knock anybody in particular, it's just to let it all out.
Living in an apartment, you have to put up with other people's "Buisness" since it's almost IMPOSSIBLE not to. Kids will be kids, you can't shut them up, unless they are asleep!
I got 2 pre-schoolers and a toddler, if I can get 15 minutes of quiet, let alone 5, it'll be a MIRACLE! If the kids are about 8 years old and older, then they should be known when its an appropriate time NOT to be so loud and noisy but younger then that, don't expect it AT ALL!
I can't keep my 4 year old and 3 year old quiet in the morning while their baby sister is still asleep, it's impossible.

All I could say is... buy ear plugs or if you are hard of hearing like me (LUCKY ME...sometimes) take the aids off (not always works through! LOL!). I used to wear my hearing aids 24/7, now I only use them when the 2 kids are in SCHOOL!
Thank you Katy! Well said on your part!

If the baby / kid is the issue, you need to look for an apartment complex that isn't family friendly. You're going to get this anywhere you live unless find a complex without children.

The adults can chill out, but kids are going to be kids. I think I'd be more concerned about what is making the child cry myself.
I live in a house on a dead end street and have had to chase kids down at one o'clock in the morning to tell them to turn down their boom boom box ~ I shouldn't have to accept this reality.
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