Please Shut Your Kid Up! *RANT*

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LOL... I don't know. It's just a natural thing, I could see if it were in broad daylight and your kids are awake but if it's late at night and their a couple, what's the problem? Most people don't take too long.

never more than an hour or two.

Poor fellow.
Wow...I try to get some sleep for a few hours and come back to this...

I have heard the kid curse and have seen him playing, so I'd say he's around 6 years old.
Then the parents have no excuse.

My sister suffers from severe ADHD and another friend of mine has a kid on the severe end of the autism spectrum.

Somehow, both managed to go through their lives without constantly disturbing the neighbors.
I do NOT have chickens in my apartment. My birds are in Oklahoma where I go for the weekends (that I don't have to work).

If I could have them, I would though!

I guess nobody watched Nickelodeon when they grew up? "Stuff a sock in it" was a very common phrase, along with a pie in the face.
I live in an aprtment as well.. Only been there 4 months. But I have had the noise issue and had to have " The talk" with the upstairs neighbor... Worked great she didnt realize how loud she was and at the same time commented to me about my two children who tend to get rambuncious at times.. ( I also dont let my children outside much at the complex as the other hundreds of children run wild cussing, punching, and vandalizing cars.. ) especialy when its cold or rainy... Now I only have to worry when sad neighbor is drunk or mad at me cause I wont give her money..... Bottom line i hav 8 months left on the lease then its country time... YAY Sometimes you just have to suck it up and pop in the earplugs... Good luck
I didn't read everyone's post, just a few. I lived in an apt. buildin during a divorce, I wouldn't want to do it again though. My first thought was that if the man is stomping around, slamming things around etc. is the child screaming because it's ill-behaved or screaming because the drawers are not the only thing being slammed around. Go up to the apt. politely tell the man that the walls and floors are thin and you can hear everything from his "heavy walking" to his child screaming. Maybe if he is made aware of the situation it will change. How are you other neighbors handling it?
Or green slime from "you can't do that on television" what ever happened to that show?
I lived in and upstairs apartment when i first married and there was a older couple lived below.
I became pregnant and the couple was delighted unfortunately they moved before the birth.
A man with two young boys moved in below us everything was *okay*
i liked his sons sweet boys but dad was a little different.
I gave birth and came home with my daughter and as we all know babys want to eat every 3 to 4 hours.
I was not loud and my daughter only cried a little and i was opening cabinets and frig to feed and take care of her at 2 am.
After 2 days the man down stairs began to scream and cuss thru the floor when i would get up to tend to my baby.
This went on for a couple nights and he exacted revenge in the form of loud music all day which woke up my daughter and she cried more.
My husband spoke to him in person he told him he was tired of hearing our daughter and me walking over his head at night.
My husband left as the man became belligerent and my husband didn't want a fight.

To make a long story short several calls to management and a few calls to the police and he was evicted not for being annoying but for not paying his rent.
I came outside when he was moving with my daughter and watched him move.
He said i bet your glad to see me go aren't you i just smiled and carried my daughter back inside.
Couple weeks later a nice couple moved in i told them of the man and i was sorry if they heard me get up with my daughter.
The lady said well i don't know what he would be complaining about i barely hear you up there just the kitchen floor squeaking.
We became good friends and i still have fond memories of them today 24 years later
Well, Alanis grew up and decided to start singing about indecency in movie theaters and incorrect concepts of irony.

And everybody became afraid of saying "I don't know" ever again.
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