Please tell me these will be turkeys?!

Mariella posey

Apr 29, 2020
My tom turkey died 3 months ago and my hen turkeys are living with roosters. For the last three months none of the eggs have been firtile (tested by putting them in the incubator for a week) we stopped trying 2 weeks ago as NONE of the eggs ever developed babies. Well I found one of my Muscovy hens sitting eggs, I was taking anything that wasn't a Muscovy egg including some turkey eggs. I candaled everything I got from her and one of the turkey eggs had a baby in it!!! 3 of the others looked like they might have babies as well. Is it possible they are still full turkeys? The Muscovy only just started setting a week or so ago and the turkey is laying an egg a day still.
It is still possible for turkey hens to lay fertile eggs after insemination for 60 days.
My tom turkey died 3 months ago and my hen turkeys are living with roosters. For the last three months none of the eggs have been firtile (tested by putting them in the incubator for a week) we stopped trying 2 weeks ago as NONE of the eggs ever developed babies. Well I found one of my Muscovy hens sitting eggs, I was taking anything that wasn't a Muscovy egg including some turkey eggs. I candaled everything I got from her and one of the turkey eggs had a baby in it!!! 3 of the others looked like they might have babies as well. Is it possible they are still full turkeys? The Muscovy only just started setting a week or so ago and the turkey is laying an egg a day still.
Really? How is this possible?
Parthenogenesis in turkeys. Just looked it up again and this is stated. Parthenogenesis occurs in turkeys through the doubling of haploid cells. Biologists have discovered the rate at which this occurs can be increased by selective breeding. Poults produced can grow viable toms indistinguishable from toms of more traditional parentage.

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