Please tell me what this is? *PIC* UPDATE *She Died

LynneP, thanks for the reply. I don't think she is egg bound...I am leaning more toward the internal laying diagnosis. Which seems to be pretty dire.I hate to see her suffer, so anything I can do to help her will be great. Our doggie vet doesn't "do" chickens but we couldn't spend $100 on a vet visit anyway so I am commited to helping her as much as I can and if I have to I will euthanize her. I'm not giving up yet though...BWT i have euthanized a little 3 day old chick but never had to do that with one of my older girls and will have a hard time doing it. Like you, I am hoping that when I get home she will be improved. Will post later if I can get to a computer.
Well today shows about the same with the little red star. Another warm soak this morning. Abdomen still squishy feeling and now what pooping she does is liquidy and yellowish. Not eating much. Put her outside for a few minutes while my other chickens were doing a little free ranging in the back yard and she was lively for a few minutes, scratched around but never really tried to eat anything. How long can this poor little girl last with this pitiful appetite? I tried force feeding her some yogurt mixed with softened pellets but she shakes it all out of her mouth. She's only taken a few little pieces of chopped apple this morning. Not even interested in water.
She's still hanging in there. Just can't get her to eat anything and she took about 3 drops of water and that's about it. Not much poop but she hasn't really eaten in a few days. Gonna try to given her more fluids now....
I found this in the crate with my red star this morning. Can anyone please tell me what this is? Is it egg - no shell? If you have read my other posts then you know this hen has been in my house for about 1 week. Yesterday she seemed a bit more perky and actually ate some layer pellets...I have tried everything else. The only other thing she has eaten was bread soaked in milk. This morning I found the "alien" thing and she seems once again to be without an appetite and lithless. Any help will be greatly's the pic
Likely internal layer. For awhile antibiotic and antiinflammatory held this condition at bay for my hen Betty (RIP). Eventually it no longer did and I finally had the vet do a hysterectomy (she and my roo BJ were so bonded I would have done anything to save one for the other) but she was too weakened by the time the surgery was done and while she made it through, poor sweet Betty died 2 hours later, alone in a cage at the vets (still makes me so sad - I had asked the vet if BJ could stay with her - was willing to pay for both birds - as he was such a comfort to her but they said no
). Lots of folks have had hysterectomies done on their hens with great success. When the vet did Betty's surgery he found lots of rotted eggs in there - so sad - she was so infected - earlier x-rays showed none according to the vet so I was thrown off track for awhile in figuring out what was wrong with her......
So, if they are internal layers do they occasionally have this thing pictured above come out. And so do you think it is an egg with no shell? I don't want this hen to suffer but she seems to hang in there day to day. I have to admit I'm a softie and if she needs to be culled then I'm going to have a hard time but will do it. She doesn't seem to be in pain so what is the determining factor here to euthanize or not?
Lynne P, you always answer my posts!! Thanks!! Did you look at that picture? Have you ever seen anything like that before? She ate bread soaked in milk yesterday am and laying pellets yesterday pm. This morning she wasn't interested. My hopes were high yesterday pm that she was better, now I am once again wondering what's up. It's a roller coaster ride for sure. I just want to know what she passed - not poop for sure. Or if it is that is the weirdest poop ever...
That looks like a 'cooked' egg to me- hardened because it was in her so long. Her body temps is probably 37-41C. She may have more than one, so another bath may be in order.
Oh and bread can be a little slow in the crop, but better to have her eating- that may be why she isn't as hungry.
Might be better to try a slurry of yogurt and mashed pellets or molasses and some seeds.

If you have some molasses it can be mixed with seed or pellets for this reason (tiny amounts no more than 1 tsp a time) - note the time you feed her, and the time it passes through as a chocolatey-colored poop. Be sure what you offer contains grit. This will give you an indicator of the speed of digestion in her system, as opposed to her oviduct process. I give my hens some molasses-based horse feed a couple of times a week as a treat, with grit, as suggested by an old-time chicken farmer, who says constipation can be totally prevented by doing this.

I'm impressed by your determination and I know you will come through this with no small amount of expertise.
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