please tell me your chickens names.

BO is Dumplin and Speckled Sussex is Nugget. There is Lacy the GLW and Henny Weasley the RIR. Hermione and Fergie are EEs and I have a Black Austrolorp that I keep changing her name.
Light Brahma's - Eenie, Meenie, Mynie, Hope (she was gonna b Mow, but we had to nurse her back to health and re-named her Hope)

Silkies - Q-Tip & Blue Velvet

RIR - Stinky (loves Stink Bugs)

NHR - Red

EE Roo - Roscoe

Polish - Captain Terri, Tina Turner, & Don King (think he's a roo)

Barred Rocks - Sweet Pea & Ethyl

Salmon Favorelle - Amelia & Bedelia

Buff Brahma's - Queenie & Princess

Buff Orpington - Buffy

And 9 others I have to figure out yet!
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I went with a "L" theme: Layla, Lacey, Lilly, Lolly, Lucy, Lola, Leah, Laney, Lulu
Polish (guess the breed)
Sister (our 1st EE

Hazel (BO)
Rocky (Barred Rock)
Wynona (Wyndotte)
Della "Della with the Yella Legs" (Dellaware)
Li'l Sister (our other EE)

Storm (lighter Silkie Roo?)
Cloud (darker Silkie Hen)
Easter Egger's:
Grace (Oxymoron)
Luna (Had a white face that looked like the moon)
Lollop (Looooved jumping)
Chickadee (Named by the 3 year old boy I babysit)
Cracker (Always loved perching like a parrot)

Speckled Sussex's:
Jane (Last to be named, so like Jane Doe)
Pandora (Most curious)
Vivian (Almost died as a chick: Vivian means "vivacious" meaning "life")
Memory (Died at 3 days old)

SS Roo:
Hamlet (Was name after my friend Emily so she got to rename him when he started crowing. Also sounds like omelet)


Pearl (Was named after my friend Megan, but that was a little creepy. Megan means "Pearl")

Leghorns to be re-homed:
Blue (Had a blue pen mark down his back)
Othello (Was Ophelia when we thought was a female)
Captain Hook (Has a crooked toe)
John (Last to be named, like John Doe)

Yolko (Like Yoko Ono, but a pun)
2 red star hens - Lucy and Rosie (Racecar Rosie - she had 2 stripes as a chick)
2 silkies - white one is Luna Hufflepuff (harry potter), the tan one is Tara-dactyl
1 buff brahma bantam - .. Batman-Anagram - we call her Anna .. (batman is an anagram for bantam..)

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